295K Minecraft fans criticise lack of new content in Stop the Mob Vote petition

295K Minecraft fans criticise lack of new content in Stop the Mob Vote petition

Minecraft players have launched a petition demanding developer Mojang ends its annual mob vote – in which the community gets to vote on a new creature to be added to the game – saying the process ‘leaves fantastic ideas on the cutting room floor’ and only serves to highlight Minecraft’s anaemic content release cycle.

Mojang has now revealed all three mobs that’ll be put to the vote ahead of a grand results unveiling during this weekend’s Minecraft Live – the crab, the penguin, and the armadillo – and it’s a selection a newly launched fan petition describes as “three equally great options”.

The petition, which at the time of writing has received 295K signatures from Minecraft fans in the three days since its launch, argues, “Mojang somehow releases less content WITH Microsoft’s backing than they did without, [meaning] players see minimal content to the game they love”. It continues that by “leaving fantastic ideas on the cutting room floor, and teasing content that will never be seen in the game”, players must “watch as possibly the one thing to get them to play again is ripped from them”.

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