5 Keys to Boost your next Pharma Brand Plan

5 Keys to Boost your next Pharma Brand Plan

Strategic brand planning in the pharmaceutical and medtech sector is one of the most important elements for industry leaders. Why? It is the way in which available resources are allocated to a strategy designed to enable the brand to achieve its sales targets. Todays strategic planning must adapt to the “new normal” of increasing market volatility, uncertainty and ambiguity. For this reason, it is a must for brand managers to make planning Effective, Agile and Customer Centric.

According to a survey conducted by PWC, 80% of European pharmaceutical executives believe that their approaches, processes and results are not adequate. Furthermore, they need a radical change in brand planning, even though it is resource-intensive and time-consuming.

What are the main problems with current brand planning? 

Product-focused plans versus customer engagement-focused plans.
Lack of useful data to measure the impact of actions taken.
Need to compensate for the lack of frequency of delegate visits to doctors.

At Compettia we have extensive experience working with the TOP 10 most relevant pharmaceutical and medtech companies in the world and we have developed different programs to ensure the success of their brand plan. For this reason, we have gathered the 5 primary keys to boost your next Brand Plan. Let’s get started!