What Targaryen is Castle Black?

What Targaryen is Castle Black? Maester Aemon, formerly known as Aemon Targaryen, was a Maester and Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch. He served as the Maester for Castle Black under Jeor Mormont and Jon Snow.

Maester Aemon, formerly known as Aemon Targaryen, was a Maester and Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch. He served as the Maester for Castle Black under Jeor Mormont and Jon Snow.

How old is Sansa at the end of got?

In GOT’s final season, Sansa is 20, Arya is 18, and Bran, now the Three-Eyed-Raven, is 17.

Does Jon regret killing Daenerys?

Jon regretted his decision to kill her deeply, questioning whether it was right, but ultimately acted for the good of the realm, egged on by Tyrion and Arya.

What happens to Daenerys baby?

Rhaego was the son of Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen. According to a Dothraki prophecy, he would have been the Stallion Who Mounts the World. He was stillborn after being involved in a blood magic ritual.

What Targaryen is Castle Black? – Related Questions

Which dragon died in GoT?

The Night King killed Viserion, and Rhaegal was (controversially) shot down by Euron Greyjoy, leaving Drogon as the last surviving dragon at the end of the series.

Who kills Daenerys?

If you’re still wondering why Drogon chose to burn the Iron Throne rather than Jon Snow (Kit Harington) after discovering that Jon had killed Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in the Game of Thrones finale, then the show’s composer, Ramin Djawadi, has some answers for you.