Could the Night King breach the wall without a dragon?

Could the Night King breach the wall without a dragon? He didn’t necessarily need a dragon. What he needed was a way to get his army past the Wall. He lucked out and was handed the single quickest and easiest way of doing that when Dany brought her dragons onto his turf, and he shot one of them down and reanimated it.

He didn’t necessarily need a dragon. What he needed was a way to get his army past the Wall. He lucked out and was handed the single quickest and easiest way of doing that when Dany brought her dragons onto his turf, and he shot one of them down and reanimated it.

Did the Night King plan to get a dragon?

The Night King’s entire plan revolved around waiting for Daenerys and her dragons to arrive – Viserion being the target. Once Dany’s dragon was within shot, game over. After reviving the dragon to be his steed, we’re guessing that his intentions are now solely focused on the Wall.

Why cant the White Walkers cross the Wall?

White Walkers are allergic to salt.

This theory not only covers the idea of the Night King’s army swimming across, but also why they don’t use their magical winter abilities to freeze the water and walk across. And it’s simple, really: White Walkers are allergic to salt.

Could the Night King breach the wall without a dragon? – Related Questions

How powerful is the Night King?

As the first White Walker, the Night King possesses all of the abilities that the other of his kind do: this includes superhuman strength, and powers relating to ice, such as freezing things at a touch, and bringing with him frost and snow.

Why is Bran the Three-Eyed Raven?

The boy who fell from a high tower and lived. He knew he’d never walk again, so he learned to fly. He crossed beyond the Wall, a crippled boy, and became the Three-Eyed Raven. He is our memory, the keeper of all our stories.