How do I get a normal click of 10 CPS?

How do I get a normal click of 10 CPS?

What is a good CPS?

It usually would start at about 3-6 clicks a second but some people can get as high as 7 or even 9 doing it. A pro of this method is that it’s pretty easy to keep good aim, con is that it’s hard to get high cps, usually you would only have average clicks per second.

Is 6 cps good for PvP?

7-8+ consistently is good.

How do you get 9 CPS?

How do I get a normal click of 10 CPS? – Related Questions

How do you get 12 cps in Minecraft?

To increase your CPS, make sure you have a mouse that is fast enough. You’ll also need to practice clicking on blocks with a carrot to increase your CPS. Then, you’ll know exactly how many times you clicked each block in your Minecraft world.

What is the fastest CPS?

You need to click as many times as possible before time’s up. Feel free to try as many times as you want. Make sure to get your best score (CPS – Click Per Second). According to our big data, the average CPS is 6.51, and the world record was said to 14.1 according to Google.