How far apart are Kansas City MO and Kansas City KS?
How far apart are Kansas City MO and Kansas City KS?
Distance conversions
Distance type
Nautical miles
Straight line distance
20.18 mi
17.54 nautical mi
Driving distance
26 mi
22.41 nautical mi
Distance type | Miles | Nautical miles |
Straight line distance | 20.18 mi | 17.54 nautical mi |
Driving distance | 26 mi | 22.41 nautical mi |
Are the Kansas City Royals in Kansas or Missouri?
Kansas City Royals, American professional baseball team based in Kansas City, Missouri.
Who has won the most World Series?
The New York Yankees of the AL have played in 40 World Series, winning 27 – the most championship appearances and most victories by any team amongst the major North American professional sports leagues.
How many championships does Kansas City have?
The Chiefs won three AFL championships, in 1962, 1966, and 1969, and were the second AFL team (after the New York Jets) to defeat an NFL team in an AFL–NFL World Championship Game, when they defeated the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl IV.