Can a website have 2 domain names?

Can a website have 2 domain names? You absolutely can have multiple domain names, but you don’t want them to resolve or be indexed by Google. To prevent that you set up a 301-redirect or “forward” the domain to the “real” domain.

You absolutely can have multiple domain names, but you don’t want them to resolve or be indexed by Google. To prevent that you set up a 301-redirect or “forward” the domain to the “real” domain.

What IP address is?

Here’s how to find the IP address on the Android phone:

Go to your phone’s settings. Select “About device.” Tap on “Status.” Here you can find information about your device, including the IP address.

Is my IP public?

To check if your IP address is public, you can use (or any similar service). You will be shown the IP address that was used for accessing the site; and if it matches the IP address that your Internet service provider assigned you, then you have a public IP address.

Why do I have 3 IP addresses?

This would indicate that the PC has connected (been rebooted?) 3 times and each time the router has assigned a different address even though it still has the previous addresses in its table. A router should normally reassign the same address so this may indicate a problem with the router.

Can a website have 2 domain names? – Related Questions

Is tracing an IP address illegal?

The Bottom Line. Not unless the person grabbing your IP address wants to use it to do something illegal – like DDoS-ing you or hacking into your computer. For normal purposes, IP grabbing (and tracking) is generally legal. If you’re worried it violates your privacy, use a VPN to hide your IP address.