Can you put ice on fire in Sorry?
Can you put ice on fire in Sorry? This Sorry game includes special fire and ice power-up tokens that give your pawns more powers against other players. The Ice token freezes a pawn in place and doesn’t allow you to move it until the ice token is moved to another player’s pawn. The Fire token lets you move much more quickly around the board.
Can you have two pawns on the same spot in Sorry?
You may jump over a pawn (yours or an opponents) that is in your path if you have sufficient movement points. However, two pawns can’t occupy the same spot on the board, so if you land on a space that contains another pawn, bump it back to it’s “START” space.
Can you move out of the safety zone in Sorry?
Safety Zone Entry Space: When moving along the outside track, you may not move your pawn forward beyond your own SAFETY ZONE entry. However, you may pass the entry space on a backward move (4 or 10 card) or as the result of a “SORRY!” or “switch” (11) card played against you.
What happens if you land on someone in Sorry?
It is against the Sorry rules to begin moving with any other card. You may jump over any pawn counting that space as a normal space. If your pawn lands on an occupied space, you bump that pawn back to Start only if that pawn is not your own. When a player has no possible moves available, they simply forfeit their turn.