Did they nerf Sparky?

Did they nerf Sparky? Mini Pekka and Tombstone have been buffed while the Electro Wizard and Sparky have been nerfed.

Mini Pekka and Tombstone have been buffed while the Electro Wizard and Sparky have been nerfed.

Did Mega Knight get nerfed?

Mega Knight (Nerf)

With this nerf, player will need to time their deployment a bit more carefully; and consider adding more support cards in order to counter an opponent’s push. Note: only spawn damage is adjusted — his other stats are untouched!

Does hog rider need a nerf?

A 4 elixir card that’s a tank with incredible speed and damage that almost always hits the tower even if you place elite barbs or even Pekka. You could place the entire United States military in front of the Hog rider and he will still hit the tower.

Does golem need a nerf?

Yes, Golem is the most broken card, yes even more broken than Dark Prince. Since Dark Prince got nerfed, does that mean Golem need a nerf? Yes!

Did they nerf Sparky? – Related Questions

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Electro Giant is getting a NERF in Clash Royale!

How much damage does a sparky do?

When fully upgraded, she deals the 2nd highest damage per hit of any card in the game, at 1,760 damage. This is second only to the 1,967 damage of the max-level Rocket. The Sparky has the highest damage per hit out of any troop card in the game.