Why do Mexicans say guey?
Why do Mexicans say guey? Go anywhere in Mexico City and you can hear someone calling someone else “guey,” which means “ox” or “slow-witted.” The word, also spelled buey, once was an insult, but it has morphed over years of popular use to become Mexico’s version of “dude” or “bro.”
Why do Mexicans say wey?
Güey (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈwei]; also spelled guey, wey or we) is a word in colloquial Mexican Spanish which is commonly used to refer to any person without using their name.
What does Gway mean in text?
Güey, pronounced “whey,” is Mexican slang for “dumbass” or “idiot,” although it is can also be used more as a slang term for “man” or “dude.”
What is a male Mexican called?
The masculine term Latino (/ləˈtiːnoʊ, læ-, lɑː-/), along with its feminine form Latina, is a noun and adjective, often used in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, that most commonly refers to United States inhabitants who have cultural ties to Latin America.