How do I start preparing for fashion design?

How do I start preparing for fashion design?
10 Ways To Prepare For Your Fashion Design Course

Choose Your Attitude.
Be Portfolio Focussed, Not Party Focussed.
Prepare Your Reading List.
Practise Your Sewing Skills.
Sharpen Your Software Skills.
Prepare Your Budget.
Look For Extra Curricular Activities.
Get Some Internships Lined Up.

10 Ways To Prepare For Your Fashion Design Course
  1. Choose Your Attitude.
  2. Be Portfolio Focussed, Not Party Focussed.
  3. Prepare Your Reading List.
  4. Practise Your Sewing Skills.
  5. Sharpen Your Software Skills.
  6. Prepare Your Budget.
  7. Look For Extra Curricular Activities.
  8. Get Some Internships Lined Up.
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