How can I convince my parents to get me a ps3?


How can I convince my parents to get me a ps3?

Explain what you want and why. Let your parents know why you want a PlayStation. Be direct and let them know that it’s something you really want. You do not want to beat around the bush. It’s best to ask, and then explain your reasons.

How can I convince my parents to get me an Xbox?

Instead, say something more mature, like, “”Dad/Mom, I know this is a big thing to ask for, but I was wondering. Could I have an Xbox?”” Explain why you want one. Be sure to list the reasons that will convince them to buy you one, and not the ones that will do the opposite.

Why does it say Roblox is not able to update?

How to fix the ‘Roblox is updating’ error – Quora. Delete All Roblox files, unless you are making a game, in which case backup the . rbxl and Studio files, move them to a separate hard drive and then delete the ones on you computer, after which the best course of action is to re-download them.

Why is Roblox not updating on Mac?

Some Mac users may be experiencing the error message “”Upgrade Failed”” when attempting to play Roblox by clicking on the app. To correct this issue, please go to your web browser and click Play instead from the experience’s details page instead.

What do you do if Roblox won’t update?

You need to tick on Clear cookies and Cached Images and Files on your browser and then click on Clear Data to clear your browser caches. Once this is done, open Roblox and sign in. This should get the updates started. Oct 29, 2021

Why can’t employees confront shoplifters?

Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go. Why won’t store employees do anything about this theft? Because they don’t want to take the risk. Aug 3, 2021

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Will police track me down for shoplifting?

Can police track you down by camera for shoplifting? Most stores have surveillance cameras that capture footage of shoplifters in action. Yes, police use these video feeds to track down shoplifters. Jan 14, 2021

Does Chinese Taipei belong to China?

Both the ROC and the PRC still officially (constitutionally) claim mainland China and the Taiwan Area as part of their respective territories. In reality, the PRC rules only Mainland China and has no control of but claims Taiwan as part of its territory under its “”One China Principle””.

Why is Taiwan called ROC?

Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a country in East Asia. … Taiwan. Republic of China 中華民國 (Chinese) Zhōnghuá Mínguó (Pinyin) • Xinhai Revolution 10 October 1911 • Took control of Taiwan and the Pescadores 25 October 1945 • Constitution adopted 25 December 1947 • Current government established 20 May 1948 50 more rows

Why is China called Taipei?

Why ‘Chinese Taipei’? That was the name Taipei settled on with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1981. The compromise would allow Taiwan to compete without presenting itself as a sovereign nation. Feb 3, 2022

Are the Sheikah Hylians?

Despite physical similarities, the true relationship between the Sheikah and Hylian race is unknown. For example, the alter ego of Princess Zelda in Ocarina of Time is a Sheikah named Sheik, who possesses the red eyes that are exclusive to the Sheikah race.

How does Tyler Durden survive gunshot?

Tyler (apparently) dies, but Jack survives because the bullet merely goes through his cheek. Marla then arrives (in the book she came with members of a support group to save Jack; in the film she was brought there by members of Project Mayhem under orders from Tyler).

Does ps2 play DVDs?

The PlayStation 2 had the ability to play DVDs, with the player able to use the controller as a remote for no additional cost. Mar 4, 2020

Does PS4 play DVDs?

To play a Blu-ray Disc™ or DVD, insert the disc into the disc slot, and then select the content from the content area. Your PS4™ console must enable the disc playback feature over the Internet (only once) before you can play any BDs or DVDs.

Does Xbox play DVD?

You can play movies on your Xbox One by installing the Blu-ray Player app or any streaming app, or by renting or purchasing movies directly from the Microsoft Store. Once you install the Blu-ray app, inserted Blu-ray discs or DVDs will start playing automatically. Jan 10, 2020

Is Super Mario Sunshine 2 player on switch?

That’s right, if you’re looking to add a second player for Super Mario 64 or Sunshine you are unfortunately out of luck. Those games never featured multiplayer support and it was not added for the 3D All-Stars release. Sep 18, 2020

Does Super Mario Galaxy work on switch Lite?

And as handheld mode is the only option for Nintendo Switch Lite owners, they may be running into a compatibility problem. … So for the most part, expect Super Mario Galaxy to be playable on the Nintendo Switch Lite. Sep 3, 2020

Will I be able to play Mario 3D All-Stars after March?

Can I Still Play Super Mario 3D All-Stars After March 31? Yes, if you’ve purchased the game in any format, you can still play it after March 31. Mar 31, 2021

Do 12-month gold cards still work?

Microsoft has removed the option to purchase a 12-month subscription to its Xbox Live Gold service. While both one-month and three-month subscriptions remain purchasable, the full year sub has been scrubbed from Xbox stores across all territories.

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Can you wear leggings at BYU?

The BYU Testing Center has officially banned leggings, but it isn’t the only place on campus enforcing the Honor Code. BYU is prominently known for its Honor Code, which encourages students to live by certain standards like honesty, virtue, clean language and modesty in dress and grooming, among other things. Nov 29, 2014

Is alcohol banned at BYU?

BYU is a private university owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose general membership has committed to not using alcohol, tobacco, coffee, or tea. Accordingly, no smoking or drinking of alcohol, coffee, or tea is permitted on the BYU campus, though other caffeinated beverages are allowed.

Is Coke allowed at BYU?

Though caffeine on campus was exciting when it was brand new, caffeinated drinks are the norm at BYU now. Apr 1, 2020

Where is Minecraft: Story Mode?

Watch Minecraft: Story Mode | Netflix. Nov 18, 2018

How do you make a stonecutter in Minecraft?

In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3×3 crafting grid. To make a stonecutter, place 1 iron ingot and 3 stone in the 3×3 crafting grid.

How do you get on a horse in Minecraft?

Where to find a minecraft horse. You’ll find Minecraft horses spawn in plains and savannas in herds of around 2-6 – all herds are the same colour, but markings differ per horse. You can also find horses in Minecraft villages, naturally generating in stables or animal pens. Oct 19, 2021

Why is there no saddle recipe?

As mentioned before, you can’t craft a saddle in Minecraft. It’s not an issue of having the right resources or equipment. Minecraft does not allow players to craft one and there is no recipe in the game to even attempt it.

How do you make an alarm in Ark?

Construction 10 × Metal. 3 × Flint. 50 × Fiber.

How long is Ark Day?

In Ark, a day is defined as 24 hours. If you set the day cycle to 0.1, then a day in Ark is only 21 hours long. This means that a day in Ark is about half the length of a day on Earth. Dec 5, 2021

How do you force wake up in Ark?

This command, if you specify ‘1’ (without quotes) as an argument will put to sleep (knock out) the dinosaur, player, or entity, that your crosshair is over. If ‘0’ (without quotes) is specified as an argument, it will wake up the player or dino under your crosshair.

Why is Among Us not working 2021?

Clear Cache and Data of Among Us on Android If there are any, install the pending update and wait until the operation is complete. After you checked and installed the pending update, restart your phone before opening the game again to see if the problem is now fixed. Jul 12, 2021

Is Among Us a browser game?

You can play the popular online game Among Us on Steam, iOS, Android, and even in your web browser. While it’s possible to get the free version of Among Us on your PC or mobile device, there are some benefits to purchasing the full version of the game. Feb 17, 2021

What happened to Charlie Hunnam’s character in Pacific Rim?

Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) Raleigh, the other hero of the first movie who saved the world alongside Mako, is completely missing in Pacific Rim Uprising. The real-world explanation for his absence is that the actor behind the character, Charlie Hunnam, has already committed to another film, Papillion. Mar 23, 2018

Why chess will destroy your mind?

Chess has acquired a high reputation as being a means to discipline the mind, because it requires a strong memory and peculiar powers of combination. It is also generally believed that skill in playing it affords evidence of a superior intellect. May 22, 2014

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Is 9×9 Go solved?

9×9 Go Has Been Solved!

Is chess related to IQ?

It is obvious that not all possible combinations of quantitative reasoning, fluid reasoning, etc., used in chess are also used in IQ tests; nevertheless, chess does incorporate a significant enough amount of IQ test factors to have a direct connection to IQ.

What is best opening move in chess?

13 Best Chess Openings That Every Beginner Should Know 8 Sicilian Defense. … 7 French Defense. … 6 Caro-Kann. … 5 Scholar’s Mate. … 4 Queen’s Gambit. … 3 King’s Indian Defense. … 2 London System. … 1 King’s Indian Attack. The only opening on this board not to start with e4 or d4 is the King’s Indian Attack. More items… • Sep 18, 2021

Is playing chess a waste of time?

Chess is not a waste of time for the amateur ; even if you don’t have the time or the energy to familiarise yourself with chess theory you can still have some enjoyable games over the board.

Do people get addicted to chess?

If you enjoy playing the game, Chess is addictive because of increased levels of hormones such as dopamine providing a feeling of euphoria and happiness and thus the brain associates that feeling with playing chess. The addiction is the craving for that feeling that playing chess provides. Mar 9, 2021

What happens if you play too much chess?

If you play too much you will be tired in most of your games and of course you will play worse. playing much without analyzing the games afterwards will make you worse. because you get into a mode where you play auto move and repeat moves because you may be convinced it is the best moves.

Does chess make you smarter?

Multiple studies have shown that while chess playing does improve cognitive, memory, and math skills, it doesn’t necessarily translate into higher test scores. Research has produced mixed results on the effects of playing chess on test scores. Oct 19, 2020

Is Gomoku harder than chess?

When Go is played on a chess sized board size it is easier to solve than chess which means that the only reason Go is considered more complex is because of the Board size, not because of the rules of the game itself.

What rating is Clash Royale?

Clash Royale is free to download and is rated for players aged 10 and older.

What is the average age of a Clash Royale player?

The average player is between ages 20 and 35 and is from a Western country, but players ages 10-20 and 35-45 (male and female) follow closely. Aug 19, 2015

Why Xbox is not popular in India?

Only hardcore gamers buy consoles which are very low in number compared to other countries. Gaming is not a full time career for Indians and therefore they don’t invest in consoles. Fast speed internet connection for playing games on console is not available in many cities in India.

Why are cops called Smokey?

Smokey: A term for law enforcement personnel, derived from an association of the style of hat worn by some state troopers with the one worn by Smokey the Bear.

Why are police called 5o?

The term “Five-O” is a slang term used to refer to the police. It comes from the title of a popular TV series, Hawaii Five-O, which began in 1968 and was about a police force in Hawaii. Hawaii is the 50th state of the U.S., thus, the “Five-O” title. Dec 2, 2021

Why do creepers hate ocelots?

Creepers seem to release Glutamate, the chemical that is the cause of fear, when simply seeing Cats. They are also afraid of Ocelots, so clearly they have a problem with the felines.

What’s the rarest cat in Minecraft?

Siamese cats are the rarest cat breed in the game. Other breeds include tuxedo, tabby, red, calico, British shorthair, Persian,white, black, and ragdoll. Ocelots can be tamed into Siamese, tuxedo, and tabby cats.

What are skeletons afraid of in Minecraft?

Skeletons should be afraid of dogs/wolves – Minecraft Feedback. Feb 24, 2019

Is CrossFire the most popular game?

CrossFire is the most played video game worldwide, with 6 million concurrent users and 1 billion registered players in February 2020, according to developer Smilegate, with the majority of players in Asia, especially China and South Korea.

Can I play CrossFire on PC?

OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64. Processor: Intel Core i3-3240 (2 * 3400) or equivalent. Memory: 2 GB RAM. Graphics: GeForce 8800 GTS (512 MB)