What time will 1.19 come out?

What time will 1.19 come out? The official release date for the Minecraft 1.19 ‘The Wild’ update is Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, whilst the release time for the upcoming update is expected to be 7AM PT / 10AM ET / 3PM BST. This is the time in which new snapshots are released each week, and will likely be the release time for the 1.19 update.

The official release date for the Minecraft 1.19 ‘The Wild’ update is Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, whilst the release time for the upcoming update is expected to be 7AM PT / 10AM ET / 3PM BST. This is the time in which new snapshots are released each week, and will likely be the release time for the 1.19 update.
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