Is Façade free to play?

Is Façade free to play? Facade is a free AI game in which the player has to solve the marital issues of a couple. Responses are entirely up to the player as the software has within it a powerful reactive AI. This factor allows you to type in whatever you want to say.

Facade is a free AI game in which the player has to solve the marital issues of a couple. Responses are entirely up to the player as the software has within it a powerful reactive AI. This factor allows you to type in whatever you want to say.

What is the purpose of Façade game?

Making full use of the incorporated language processing software, Façade allows the player to type sentences to “speak” with the couple, either supporting them through their troubles, driving them farther apart, or being thrown out of the apartment.

What happens if you say melon in Façade?

Melon is a trigger word in Façade. It is a highly controversial aspect of the game, as mentioning the word causes Trip to immediately eject the player from the house, causing a bad ending.

Is there a good ending to Façade?

In this game there are many possible endings; there are six alternate “bad” endings, and there is one “good” ending. This is the good ending and how it may be achieved. Trip and Grace will rediscover their love for each other, and thank the player for helping them. They will then politely ask the player to leave.

Is Façade free to play? – Related Questions

How do you beat Façade?

Facade boss strategy
  1. The simple way to deal with this is to stand against the wall with your shield facing the room, keeping you from harm.
  2. Do this as soon as it appears – we found laying rather than throwing was better – and repeat until it’s defeated.