Is Redstone a real thing in real life?
Is Redstone a real thing in real life? In the past, people have tried making Minecraft things in real life, like building recreations of a piston out of Lego. But it’s not like you could ever recreate redstone, the magical material that’s capable of basically anything, and use it to make gadgets and devices.
Do any mobs drop Redstone?
Mob loot. Witches have a chance of dropping 0–2 redstone dust upon death. This is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0–5 redstone dust.
How long does Redstone ore glow for?
Light. Redstone ore produces light (strength 9) and emits bright red powered redstone particle when clicked, updated, or contacted by any mob (exception being a sneaking player). This effect continues until the redstone ore block receives a random block tick (averaging 68.27 seconds).