How do I feed my Minecraft horse? How do I feed my Minecraft horse? To feed a horse, hold a valid food item and press use on the horse. Feeding invalid food causes the player to mount the horse. Horses can be fed only when feeding would have an effect, similar to other animals. Activates love mode...
What order do Pokémon cards go in? What order do Pokémon cards go in? You'll have to decide the order you'll store your sorted Pokémon types. You may want to do this alphabetically, with bug coming first, then dark, then dragon, and so on. If you are an active player, you may want to have your most...
Do you have to pay for a Minecraft server to play with friends? Do you have to pay for a Minecraft server to play with friends? If you and your friends want to have a private game, you can create a Minecraft server for free. Just know that it takes some work, and whoever makes the server will need to have a good...
Why is Guy Fieri afraid of eggs? Why is Guy Fieri afraid of eggs? The real reason Fieri hates eggs, "I had a bad hard-boiled egg. It was the chalky yolk," he revealed to Extra Crispy. Of course, appropriately cooked, hard-boiled eggs can be a staple for many people at breakfast or other meals, including snacks throughout...