How do you train memory?

How do you train memory?
These 11 research-proven strategies can effectively improve memory, enhance recall, and increase retention of information.

Focus Your Attention.
Avoid Cramming.
Structure and Organize.
Utilize Mnemonic Devices.
Elaborate and Rehearse.
Visualize Concepts.
Relate New Information to Things You Already Know.
Read Out Loud.

These 11 research-proven strategies can effectively improve memory, enhance recall, and increase retention of information.
  1. Focus Your Attention.
  2. Avoid Cramming.
  3. Structure and Organize.
  4. Utilize Mnemonic Devices.
  5. Elaborate and Rehearse.
  6. Visualize Concepts.
  7. Relate New Information to Things You Already Know.
  8. Read Out Loud.
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