How do I change my Minecraft skins in Java?

How do I change my Minecraft skins in Java?
How to change your skin on Minecraft Java

Open the Minecraft Launcher and select Skins from the top menu.
Click New skin to add a new skin.
On the “Add new skin” page, select Browse.
Name your skin if you’d like, choose the “Classic” size or “Slim” size, then click Save & Use in the bottom-right corner.

How to change your skin on Minecraft Java
  1. Open the Minecraft Launcher and select Skins from the top menu.
  2. Click New skin to add a new skin.
  3. On the “Add new skin” page, select Browse.
  4. Name your skin if you’d like, choose the “Classic” size or “Slim” size, then click Save & Use in the bottom-right corner.
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