Jeff Minter's latest is a "reimagining" of unreleased '80s arcade game Akka Arrh

Jeff Minter's latest is a "reimagining" of unreleased '80s arcade game Akka Arrh

Legendary game designer Jeff Minter and his Llamasoft outfit is back with another blast of psychedelic shooter action, this time in the form of Akka Arrh – a “reimagining” of an ’80s arcade cabinet game that never actually released.

This, of course, is a somewhat different scenario to Minter’s Polybius, which was inspired by an ’80s arcade cabinet game that never actually existed. Akka Arrh, though, is very much a thing, having been designed by Atari’s Mike Hally and Dave Ralston as a prototype back in 1982.

Minter’s reimagining of Akka Arrh – of which only three cabinets are still said to exist – has been created in partnership with Atari, and promises “a cascade of words, colour, shapes and sound [flowing] around your turret as you desperately fight off swarms of inbound attackers”.

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