You'll have to pay extra if you want The Lord of the Rings: Gollum in Elvish
It’s probably fair to say Daedelic Entertainment’s The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has been a little divisive since its unveiling in 2019, and it likely won’t help that the developer has now announced it’s charging extra for anyone that wants to hear its elves speak in authentic Elvish.
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, for the uninitiated, forges something of a unusual path through Middle-earth, taking its wide-eyed lead – already an unusual choice for a protagonist – on a pre-Lord of the Rings adventure combining “subtle tactical stealth” and “fast-paced parkour action”.
Perhaps a little oddly, given you’d think Daedelic would want to keep The Lord of the Rings fans firmly on its side, the developer has now announced those wanting to experience the adventure with more authentic elf voice acting “in the Elvish tongue of Sindarin” – an addition the developer is aiming at “die-hard fans who want to immerse themselves even more while exploring the world of Tolkien” – will need to cough up extra for Gollum’s Precious Edition.
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