Advice for a gamer’s mom please! :)
Hi there! I’m a mom of a gamer teen. (15) He plays a lot of computer games and builds 3d models. He’s recently developed an interest in creating characters and games for Roblox as well. He plays a lot of car racing games (he has a wheel and special controllers for this too) Just to give a little background. I bought him logitech keyboards and mice in the past. It’s been a few years and I want to give him a nice upgrade on accessories for Christmas without breaking the bank too much. Maybe around $100 limit for each (mouse, keyboard, etc) Can anyone please give me some good recommendations? Open to additional recommendations for any other accessories as well that he may enjoy and I may not be aware of-lol. He wants to be a programmer if that helps at all. 🙂 Thank you so much!!
submitted by /u/wheresmyyvape