Apex Legends' Final Fantasy 7 event has some cool cosmetics, but one of them could set you back more than $300
Apex Legends’ Final Fantasy 7 crossover is kicking things off tomorrow, but players are frustrated over some costly cosmetics and potential use of AI in the event’s ads.
As of tomorrow, you’ll be able to pick up some pretty cool-looking Final Fantasy 7 themed cosmetics in Apex Legends, the game’s first collaboration event with another IP, obviously tying into February’s release of Rebirth. This latest event has 36 new items you can pick up through event packs, i.e. loot boxes, which also includes six “Iconic” skins. Like most loot box items, you can’t buy any of them outright.
Normally, events also feature an heirloom item that you unlock after getting everything else that’s available, which can cost you around $160, at least in most previous events anyway. However, this time around, the heirloom item, a skin that looks like the iconic Buster Sword, is available in the event packs. As some fans have worked out, you’ll probably need to buy at least 36 packs, amounting to at least $360, as the odds of getting the skin are so low you’ll need to buy that many packs (thanks GamesRadar).
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