If Fallout 5's going to set the world on fire, Bethesda should head north of the border

If Fallout 5's going to set the world on fire, Bethesda should head north of the border

I recently asked the Fallout community what they might personally want to see from Fallout 5, whenever it arrives. All of their ideas were very cool, and got me thinking about what I – another Fallout fan – might want from the game too. So, here’s another pitch:

Picture the scene. You’re an anonymous member of a merchant caravan wandering along the highway. The leader of the group – your usual bottlecap-hoarding used car salesman type, you know, the kind of guy who might sell you a malfunctioning laser pistol by ‘accident’ – is telling you how much he’s looking forward to kicking back with a drink when you reach your destination.

“Ronto”, he says as it comes into sight in the distance, “is a dangerous place to be headed nowadays, but well worth the trip for those who do. Life’s never easy, even now that the world’s starting to recover a little bit from nuclear armageddon, but if you can all just make this run – things’ll work out just fine.”

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