Following Fallout 4's next-gen update, its most popular mods are currently ones that, er, allow you to get rid of Fallout 4's next-gen update

Following Fallout 4's next-gen update, its most popular mods are currently ones that, er, allow you to get rid of Fallout 4's next-gen update

Fallout 4’s next-gen update arrived late last week, and uh, a lot of folks weren’t too impressed. While a lot of the initial backlash was due to technical issues or bugs, a lot of those on PC who’ve given the update a go now seem to be looking for ways to revert their game back to its pre-update state. Enter a couple of works that’ve quickly shot to the top of the game’s Nexus Mods page.

If you’re just catching up on things, while a lot of the big complants folks have had about Fallout 4’s next-gen update have involved problems that’ve either since been resolved or hopefully should be soon – such as PlayStation Plus users temporarily being unable to upgrade PS4 versions to PS5 without being charged. Meanwhile, on PC – as game updates often do – it’s rendered a lot of key Fallout 4 mods unable to be used until they too have been updated, earning plenty of ire from those in the midst of modded playthroughs who hadn’t made plans to stop their game from updating.

So, this is how we’ve ended up with two mods specifically aimed at helping people who’ve installed the update get back to playing pre next-gen Fallout 4 rocketing right to the top of Nexus Mods’ most downloaded Fallout 4 mods for the past week, despite only having arrived after the update did.

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