How can I waste internet faster? How can I waste internet faster? Video Streaming. Large File Downloads. Deleting all your apps just to redownload them. Downloading apps that are larger than 200MB. Streaming to Music while doing 3 and 4. Having a Video call while doing 5 4 and 3. doing all of the above with...
Are games waste of time? Are games waste of time? But consider the trade-offs of these activities, including gaming: you're neglecting your friends, family, your mental and physical health, as well as your career. If that's the case for you, then gaming is a waste of time – just like any other activity with the...
Does Roblox waste a lot of data? Does Roblox waste a lot of data? Mobile data you use playing RobloxSome gamers find that they use as much as 300 MB of data per hour playing Roblox, which is far more than a game like Minecraft uses. Other gamers find that they use closer to 100 MB of...
What Colour is nuclear waste? What Colour is nuclear waste? Uranium mining and milling The uranium-rich product is a yellow powder, called 'yellowcake' because of its colour. Yellowcake is a uranium oxide and is the raw material for manufacturing nuclear fuel. Milling produces very large amounts of crushed rock waste, known as 'tailings'....