Divorced Dads is a brilliant Magic The Gathering clone, but with more existential dread

Divorced Dads is a brilliant Magic The Gathering clone, but with more existential dread

Every now and then, a joke is just too good to stay a joke.

Such is the case for Divorced Dads, a collectible card game that has its origins in a viral video skit from comedian Graeme Barrett, aka AudioOpera. You’ve probably seen something of his when doomscrolling Instagram or Tiktok; his most-shared video by my estimation is the skit news report about a group of live-action role players finding a body in the woods while mid-LARP.

My favorite bit of his, however, was the recurring series of a collectible card gaming character opening up booster packs of ‘Divorced Dads’, a card game where every card represents something a Divorced Dad has, or wants. In various skits, cards like ‘Bald Spot’, ‘Jam Band’, ‘Enchanted Forest’ (one of those tree-shaped car air fresheners), ‘Retirement Plan’ (a fistful of lottery scratch-offs), and ‘Hacked Facebook’. The rarest and most sought after card, of course, is ‘The House’ – because she usually takes the house.

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