I’m lost. Without a game to call home

Apex use to be my home but EA torched it to the ground like ancient Greek imperial soldiers burning down a helpless village. Before that was the destiny franchise and so many more failed ventuers for a home. After wondering the gaming either for what seemed like a life time, I found the first descendant. Great game but diluted with unnecessary complications as a vain attempt to create player retention. So I wonder still… I see warhammer 40k sm2 in the distance. It looks promising but I do need a long term home. I also see throne and liberty. But it's still slim pickings for a picky gamer like me. Anyone else without a game to call home ? Must everything we play become Tainted with greed and toxic cheating? IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE!!! (screaming from atop of a mountain)

submitted by /u/xenpipes