How do you play 711 dice?

How do you play 711 dice?

The players place a glass of alcohol in the middle of the table. The first player throws the dice. If they roll a 7, an 11 or a double, the roller chooses a player to drink. If the roll is none of those, then the roller passes the dice to the left.

How do you play five dice?

The first player rolls all 5 dice at once. Any 1s are placed in the center and removed from game play. Any 2s rolled are passed to the player on her left; and 5s are passed to the player on her right. She continues to roll any remaining dice until she has either given away all her dice or fails to roll a 1, 2 or 5. Jun 5, 2019

What are 21 questions to ask a girl?

GOOD 21 QUESTIONS TO ASK A GIRL OR GUY What are five words you would use to describe yourself? What are five words you think other people would use to describe you? What is your dream vacation? If you could have a house by the ocean or in the mountains, which would you choose? What does your dream house look like? More items…

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What dare for Truth or dare?

Here is a list of the best dares for Truth or Dare. Do 100 squats. Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone. Give a foot massage to the person on your right. Say something dirty to the person on your left. Let the rest of the group DM someone from your Instagram account. Eat a banana without using your hands. More items… • Apr 12, 2021

What should I ask my drunk boyfriend?

Personal questions to ask your boyfriend What’s the worst dream you’ve ever had? What do you get overly emotional about? What event made you mature as a person the most? What’s one thing that you’ve never told anyone? What’s something you believe that most people don’t? Is there anything you’re afraid of in life? More items…

Can you play truth or drink with 2 people?

The game can be played with as few as two players. It’s best to choose questions or a question list in advance with the players. Once the game question has been asked, normally by the question head or the game master, the other person or the group must answer the question truthfully or choose to drink.

What should I dare my crush?

150 Flirty Dares Screenshot of your last chat/message from your crush. Have someone put makeup on your face while blindfolded. Copy the latest TikTok Dance. Show your most embarrassing profile picture. Call a random person and tell them you love them. More items…

What is a good dare for a 12 year old?

Kids Truth or Dare Question Stuff marshmallows in your mouth and sing “twinkle twinkle little star” Eat a spoon full of mustard. Stand on your head for 10 seconds. Try to lick your elbow. Do a crabwalk across the room. Peel a banana using your feet. Spin around 10 times and try to walk a straight line. More items…

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What are good punishments for games?

Eat 1 teaspoon of mustard. Go make snacks for everybody. Build a tower as tall as you are using whatever is in the room. Wear socks on your hands, pants instead of shirt and shirt instead of pants. Gargle a song. …Sit on the lap of the person on your left for entire game. Apr 21, 2021

How much is a shot?

The accepted amount of liquor served in a shot glass in the U.S. is 1.5 ounces or 44 milliliters. Even though the government has never officially set a standard measurement for a shot, the state of Utah formally defines it as 1.5 fluid ounces. Jul 17, 2019

How many beers is power hour?

7.5 beersPower Hour involves taking a shot of beer every 60 seconds for one hour. One shot of beer every 60 seconds in one hour is the equivalent of 7.5 beers.

How many shots are in a beer?

This means that 12 oz (354ml) of 5% beer contains 0.6 oz (17.7ml) pure alcohol. The vodka shot at 1.5 oz (44ml) has 0.6 oz (17.4ml) of alcohol. When you compare alcohol content, this fairly simple math shows that one regular beer is equal to one shot.

How do you play Zoomie?

Clap your lap twice and snap twice to make a pattern. Zoomy Starts by chanting “Zoomy Zoomy, Zoomy ZooMa, Zoomy Zoomy, Zoomy ZooMa” to the pattern. Then the game starts. Zoomy calls out a number twice, and that number has to repeat its number and say another number.