Can you jump multiple pieces in checkers?

Can you jump multiple pieces in checkers?

Multiple jump move: Within one turn, a player can make a multiple jump move with the same piece by jumping from vacant dark square to vacant dark square. The player must capture one of the opponent’s pieces with each jump. The player can capture several pieces with a move of several jumps. Jan 8, 2022

What colors are checkers?

Checkers is a popular board game played by children and adults alike. The game is played on a checkerboard of two colors, usually black and red, with the most popular size in America being 64 squares on an 8×8 board. The board game is played around the world and is known as draughts (pronounced “drafts”) in Europe.

Can you jump diagonally in checkers?

Note: After a checker becomes a “”King,”” it can move diagonally forward or backward. Move your checker one space diagonally, to an open adjacent square; or jump one or more checkers diagonally to an open square adjacent to the checker you jumped.

How do you become a queen in checkers?

Crowned pieces are called Queens. The following are the additional rules: Un-crowned pieces can only move diagonally forwards but can capture diagonally forwards AND backwards. A Queen moves by diagonally traversing any number of unoccupied squares.

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How many kings are in checkers?

There is no limit set for the number of crowned kings a player can have. A king can only capture one piece per jump but can capture more than one piece if the landing space provides a new opportunity for a capture.

How many pieces Dama does each player receive?

Twelve pieces per player, positioned on the first three rows closest to the player. Players alternate turns moving a piece forward to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. A player may capture an opponent’s piece by hopping over it to an empty spot on the opposite side of it along the lines.

What are the official rules of checkers?

Moves can only be made on black squares, so the pieces move diagonally. Pieces can only move in a forward direction, toward their opponent. If you are moving your disc forward, and not capturing your opponent’s piece in the move, you may only move it forward one square.