After 3 hours of Dragon’s Dogma 2, I’m convinced it's not just GOTY contender – it may be an all-time great

After 3 hours of Dragon’s Dogma 2, I’m convinced it's not just GOTY contender – it may be an all-time great

I want to talk to you about guts. Not the Berserk character, though Dragon’s Dogma 2 does have very big swords. Nor the courage to jump at a beast five times your size to try to take it down – though Dragon’s Dogma 2 has that, too. And definitely not guts in the British parlance, where to be gutted is to be racked with disappointment. Dragon’s Dogma 2 definitely doesn’t have that.

But, no – I’m talking about a gut feeling, I suppose. I’ve been doing this job for a long time. Decades, it pains me to admit. And I think my radar is pretty good. I trust those innards of mine. Sometimes I see something – even something that looks quite good – and I think ‘this ain’t gonna work’. Other times, I play a short demo of something and just know, deep down, that this is going to be an absolute banger. Most often, I end up being right, if I do say so myself.

With that all established, let’s talk about Dragon’s Dogma 2. I already previewed it, but in one last beat before it releases I got to play another three hours of the game. It’s the latter. It’s a banger. I can tell that this game is special.

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