Age of Empires 2 and 4 coming to Xbox consoles and xCloud next year

Age of Empires 2 and 4 coming to Xbox consoles and xCloud next year

In a flurry of Age of Empires news announced during the series’ 25th anniversary livestream today, Microsoft revealed Age of Empires 2 and 4 are heading to Xbox consoles next year, and that an Age of Mythology Definitive Edition is in the works for PC.

Whispers of an Xbox appearance for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition first emerged earlier today, after a new console listing was spotted on the PEGI ratings database. However, it didn’t take long for Microsoft to make it official, confirming that both it and Age of Empires 4 are heading to Xbox and xCloud in 2023.

More specifically, Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition comes to Xbox on 31st January, while Age of Empires 4 is expected to arrive “later in the year”.

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