Apex Legends' Control Mode Is Teasing Newcastle For Season 13
After teasing potential upcoming map changes for Storm Point in Apex Legends Season 13, Respawn has seemingly confirmed that Newcastle will be the next playable character to come to the battle royale. You can spot the teaser by loading into Control, which will remain in Apex Legends as a limited-time mode until April 12.
If you load into Control, regardless of map, the loading screen will depict holographic signs advertising that “The wait is over, he’s here!” Alongside this message is a blacked-out depiction of an armored figure.
That outline sure looks a lot like the leaked images of Newcastle.
Newcastle was first mentioned years ago, when Respawn was advertising that Revenant would be Season 4’s new playable legend. The organizers of the Apex Games were discussing what to do in order to keep Revenant from going on a murder spree, and it was suggested that Newcastle be passed over as Forge’s replacement to instead throw Revenant into the games.
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