Are they discontinuing Nintendo Switch?

Are they discontinuing Nintendo Switch? Nintendo doesn’t plan to release new Switch hardware in the current fiscal year, which lasts until March 2023. But a new console could come just after that.

Nintendo doesn’t plan to release new Switch hardware in the current fiscal year, which lasts until March 2023. But a new console could come just after that.

Is it worth buying a Switch in 2022?

The Nintendo Switch is absolutely worth it in 2022.

Buying a Switch right now opens the door to a five-year backlog of first-party Nintendo games that are among some of the best games to come out in the past decade.

How long will a Switch last?

The Switch will last for five to ten years with normal use. If you take care of your device and keep it in a protective case, you can easily make it last for much longer than that though.

Did Nintendo stopped making Switch Lite?

The Nintendo Switch Lite had been sold out for several months due to production shortages caused by Covid-19 (and before that, the Black Friday and holiday rush), but the Switch Lite is back in stock and available online at multiple stores right now.

Are they discontinuing Nintendo Switch? – Related Questions

Is the 2017 Switch discontinued?

Today Nintendo announced that they have shut down all production of their newest console, the Nintendo Switch, which is currently sold out at most retailers.