Can a 12 year old watch Mad Max?

Can a 12 year old watch Mad Max? it really depends on the kid, but in general i wouldn’t recommend it for anyone under the age of 18.

it really depends on the kid, but in general i wouldn’t recommend it for anyone under the age of 18.

Can a 11 year old play Mad Max?

Mad Max is a great game for young teens or teens. A good starting age would be 13 or 12 if you think your child is mature enough.

How gory is Mad Max: Fury Road?

The violence is almost completely bloodless until the last 30 minutes, where blood and gore become much more frequent. A man is shot from a far distance. We later see that both of his eyes got shot. Blood is all over his wounds.

Why is fury rated R?

Fury / Rated R for war violence, psychological torture and gore.

Can a 12 year old watch Mad Max? – Related Questions

Why is the new Mad Max rated R?

1. Why the R rating? The official reason given by the MPAA for Fury Road’s rating is for “intense sequences of violence throughout, and for disturbing images.” “Violence throughout” actually nicely sums it up.