Can Endermen pickup chests?

Can Endermen pickup chests? Endermen no longer pick up unobtainable blocks including bedrock, double slabs, and spawners and also no longer pick up blocks with inventories including chests, dispensers, and furnaces but can still pick up any other full block.

Endermen no longer pick up unobtainable blocks including bedrock, double slabs, and spawners and also no longer pick up blocks with inventories including chests, dispensers, and furnaces but can still pick up any other full block.

Does binding reduce breast size?

Binding involves wrapping material tightly around the breasts to flatten them. It will not shrink breast tissue or prevent the breasts from growing, but binding can help the breasts look smaller and may make a person feel more comfortable. Talk to a doctor about the safest way to use a binder.

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Can Endermen pickup chests? – Related Questions

How big is a Minecraft chest?

A single chest can store 27 stacks of items. Create a double chest by placing two single chests side by side. The double chest stores up to 54 stacks of items. Given that a stack can be up to 64 items high, that’s an astonishing potential total of 3,510 blocks in a crate that takes just 2×1 blocks of floor space.