Can I get a refund on Star Citizen?

Can I get a refund on Star Citizen?

All incorrect purchases are eligible for a refund as long as the request is made within 30 days after the order was placed. For item purchases (e.g., ships), if you go beyond the 30-day grace period, the only way to get a refund is to convert the money into Store Credit.

How big is the map in Star Citizen?

According to Chris Roberts, a video game developer involved with Star Citizen, the playable map they’re working on will be “”1 million kilometers by 1 million kilometers by 2 million kilometers high.”” These numbers, which roughly come to the numbers initially listed above in miles, were released in 2015 during a press … Jul 2, 2021

Will Star Citizen wipe?

As previously announced, with the release of patch 3.15 to our Star Citizen Alpha LIVE environment, we have implemented a wipe of the current database due to a number of significant changes to various in-game systems. Nov 11, 2021

Can I sell my Star Citizen ship?

How to sell your Star Citizen Ships. Well, you don’t because ships are tied to accounts. At most, you can refund it a little after buying. The only way to sell and make some bucks is by selling the account itself.

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What happens when insurance expires in Star Citizen?

Ships that you pledge for using real money are not leased, but if you want them to “last forever” you will (after game launch) need to pay for insurance using ingame money once the standard hull insurance period expires. Otherwise your ship would be lost if destroyed in game.

What is the most expensive Star Citizen ship?

The Most Expensive Ship in Star Citizen: The Origin 600i Executive Edition | Ship Showcase. … What is the most expensive ship in Star Citizen? Ship Price In Game (aUEC) Sale Location Mustang Alpha 251,400 New Deal (Lorville) Dragonfly* 282,700 New Deal (Lorville) Aurora LN* 338,400 New Deal (Lorville) Ballista 364,500 New Deal (Lorville)

How much is the Cutlass black in game?

Tools Cutlass Black Stowage space 1,500,000 μSCU Production state Flight ready Introduced Patch V1.0.0 In-Game Cost Buy 1,385,300 aUEC 26• May 10, 2021

How much is the 890 jump?

Tools 890 Jump Expedite fee 33,750 aUEC Pledge ($USD) Standalone $950 Original $600 27

How do I store items in Star Citizen?

By clicking and dragging with the mouse, you can move items between local and personal or even equip them to specific load out slots on your character. This will also display where on your person you will be storing items. Nov 10, 2021

What is Star Citizen insurance?

What is insurance? Pilots in Star Citizen can purchase insurance policies for their ships, modifications and cargo. This ensures that your ship will be replaced and/or its modifications and cargo will be subsidized should you be destroyed in a fight or accident.

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How much is the reclaimer in Star Citizen?

$400Equipped with a reinforced cargo bay, a long-range jump drive and launch pods for unmanned drones, the Reclaimer is an ideal ship for taking advantage of deep space wrecks. … Tools. Reclaimer Standalone $400 Original $350 Warbond $350 Original $350 25• May 6, 2021

How can I land at 18 area?

To land you will need to head toward the central tower and submit a landing request via a dedicated comms channel. The hangars at Riker Memorial Spaceport are located to the side and rear of the central tower.

How much is the Argo mole in game?

Tools MOLE Stowage space 1,500,000 μSCU Production state Flight ready Introduced Alpha 3.8.0 In-Game Cost Buy 5,130,500 aUEC 25• May 10, 2021