Is Pokémon UNITE out now? Is Pokémon UNITE out now? With this release, Pokémon UNITE for both mobile and Nintendo Switch now supports French, Italian, German, and Spanish languages in addition to English.Video Game Links. Release Date: July 21, 2021 (Nintendo Switch) / Sept. 22, 2021 Genre: Strategic team battle Platform: Nintendo Switch, iOS, and...
How long will Pokemon Unite be under maintenance? How long will Pokemon Unite be under maintenance? Pokemon UNITE server downtime and Battle Pass 10 release From September 1 to September 2, 2022, Pokemon UNITE will be down for players across all platforms. This is to give way for the latest update coming to the MOBA-style game featuring our...
Is Pokémon Uranium still being updated? Is Pokémon Uranium still being updated? Today the Pokémon Uranium team took it a step further and announced it would totally be ceasing development on the game. We will no longer be providing updates or support for Pokémon Uranium. Thank you all for playing....
Does Pokémon Uranium have a virus? Does Pokémon Uranium have a virus? Pokérus is a beneficial virus that can infect a Pokémon, boosting its ability to gain EVs. It has a 1 in 21845 chance of being on a wild Pokémon, although it can be found in the Pokémon Uranium community far more readily due to...
Why did Pokémon Uranium shut down? Why did Pokémon Uranium shut down? In August 2016, after one and a half million downloads, the download links for Pokémon Uranium were taken down from the official website because the developers wanted to "respect Nintendo's wishes", after receiving multiple DMCA takedown notice letters from lawyers representing Nintendo....