Can you change gender DCUO?

Can you change gender DCUO?

“Gender change tokens are probably possible, but would just take a lot of work to create. So from a cost/benefit view, they may not be worth creating. Currently there isn’t an issue with body change tokens (which allow you to switch between body type and size). May 21, 2018

Can I change my powers on DCUO?

It is very important to think through a respec of any type before making a conversion; our DC Universe Online In-game Support Team will not be able to assist with any changes in Powers. Players need to plan out their post-respec strategy and equipment situation carefully before making major changes to their character. Nov 17, 2020

Can villains have friends?

When villains lose and lose and lose repeatedly, they start to make alliances with other villains. Through these alliances, many villains will become good friends. Jun 25, 2017

How do you play with friends on DC Universe Online?

A: Use the D-pad quick menu to send tells or invites to group. You’ll need to know their in-game character name to do this! May 3, 2016

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Who is the main villain in DC Universe Online?

Individual Villains Abra Kadabra Abra Kadabra Amazo Amazo Amon Sur Amon Sur Cheetah Cheetah Chemo Chemo Circe Circe Dark Robin Dark Robin Darkseid Darkseid Deadshot Deadshot Dr. Light Doctor Light Dr. Psycho Doctor Psycho Dr. Sivana Doctor Sivana Eclipso Eclipso Emerald Empress Emerald Empress Etrigan Etrigan 25

Can Heroes and Villains play together DCUO?

Cross-Faction Play is a game mechanic where New Heroes and New Villains are grouped up together to play through an instance via the queue-up mechanism. Instances eligible for cross-faction play are indicated in the On Duty Menu by a large red crosshair in the upper right corner.

Is Grimorium Verum good?

Actually its damage is quite good. The individual hits may be low…but its up almost 100% of the time, so its constant damage over the course of a boss fight. Thats why lots of prec dps use it. Nov 25, 2020

Where do I get scrap of soul cloak DCUO?

Obtained from Centennial Collapse Event – Artifacts Cache. John Constantine (Vendor)

How do you become a controller in DCUO?

In order to acquire the control role, you have to select Gadgets, Light, Mental, Munitions or Quantum as your power set. Once you reach level 10, you will automatically have access to the control role. Controllers have no damage penalty, but do not gain any damage modifiers.

What do trinkets do in DCUO?

Trinkets are equippable items with special temporary properties. Trinkets include stat enhancers, transformations, pets, combat enhancers, toys and utility belts. Trinkets have no visual representation on a player’s character.

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Where can I buy gear DCUO?

Vendors can be found at Safehouses, the JLA Watchtower, the Hall of Doom, world PVP events, or at the beginning area of Alerts. Most vendors will allow the player to buy and sell armor pieces, weapons, accessories/trinket and consumables.

How do I increase my combat rating in DCUO?

Your CR is based on the total of your gear’s item levels. This will not change by completing duos, or instances. The only way to change this is by getting better gear(found in the Hall of Doom or Watchtower) that have better item levels. Jun 16, 2013

Where is the second chance vendor in DCUO?

Second Chance Vendor is a vendor for heroes and villains located near the Rewards from Time and Space vendor in the Watchtower and the Hall of Doom.