Can you keep Quiet after Mission 45?

Can you keep Quiet after Mission 45? After players complete mission 45 of The Phantom Pain, they’ll no longer have the option to bring Quiet along on missions. That’s something of a hassle, considering how valuable she is as a partner in the field and how many side ops and mission replays players still have at that point in the game.

After players complete mission 45 of The Phantom Pain, they’ll no longer have the option to bring Quiet along on missions. That’s something of a hassle, considering how valuable she is as a partner in the field and how many side ops and mission replays players still have at that point in the game.

What happens if you don’t shower MGSV?

Don’t shower

Not showering in the Phantom Pain will leave your view covered in flies, and will even show how others are physically repulsed by your odour. After what feels like a particularly bad deodorant advert, Ocelot will decide he’s had enough, and throw a bucket of cleansing water at you.

How long does Quiet take to heal?

About 10 minutes real time, depending on your time zone. Quiet isnt useless at all, you can combo kills with her, she shoots helmets off for headshots during fights, can kill/tranq people to save you from being spotted. She can also shoot your ‘nades at helicopters and is helpful in a fight, unlike DD.

How do I unlock side OP 143?

Walkthrough on Side Op 143 which is unlocked after completing Main Mission 32. Upon completion of 143 you unlock the Bandana for development by R&D in the Phantom Pain!

Can you keep Quiet after Mission 45? – Related Questions

How do you unlock side OP 150?

Side Op 150 unlocks by having Quiet, max loyalty/affection, and not having the butterfly on your emblem. It’ll then unlock Mission 45 after completion.