Can you only move diagonally in checkers?

Can you only move diagonally in checkers? The pieces always move diagonally and single pieces are always limited to forward moves. A piece making a non-capturing move may move only one square.

The pieces always move diagonally and single pieces are always limited to forward moves. A piece making a non-capturing move may move only one square.

Can you jump multiple pieces in checkers?

A piece making a capturing move (a jump) leaps over one of the opponent’s pieces, landing in a straight diagonal line on the other side. Only one piece may be captured in a single jump; however, multiple jumps are allowed during a single turn.

Do you have to move the back row in checkers?

What is the best strategy in checkers?

Tips to win Checkers
  1. Take Control of the Center.
  2. Play offensive.
  3. Play according to the strength of your position.
  4. Never move a piece without a notive.
  5. Stick together when you advance.
  6. Crown your pieces to kings.
  7. Sacrifice a checker if needed.
  8. Trade pieces when you are ahead.

Can you only move diagonally in checkers? – Related Questions

What happens in checkers when you get to the other side?

Crowning When one of your checkers reaches the opposite side of the board, it is crowned and becomes a King. Your turn ends there. A King can move backward as well as forward along the diagonals. It can only move a distance of one space.