Can you still go to solitude if you join the Stormcloaks?

Can you still go to solitude if you join the Stormcloaks? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim If I side with the stormcloaks can I go into solitude without being attacked? You’ve probably already learned the answer, but yes.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

If I side with the stormcloaks can I go into solitude without being attacked? You’ve probably already learned the answer, but yes.

What sword does Ulfric give you?

Ulfric will give the Dragonborn his Sword of Devouring (in v1. 9 a Daedric Sword of the Vampire), which absorbs enemy health when struck.

Can you join the Imperials after killing the emperor?

Yes, you can kill the Emperor and still join the legion. Your choices don’t matter because there is no consequence for your choices.

Can you still go to solitude if you join the Stormcloaks? – Related Questions

Can you do the Dark Brotherhood as an imperial?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Can i join both the imperial army and the dark brotherhood? well what the question says, and if yes, which one should i join first in order to join the other? You can join both yes ,it makes no difference at any time.