Drawing pictures is great for children’s development – here’s how parents can help
milatas/ShutterstockWhen the weather’s bad and there’s no prospect of a trip to the park, we might well reach for crayons,...
milatas/ShutterstockWhen the weather’s bad and there’s no prospect of a trip to the park, we might well reach for crayons,...
The first videogame I ever played was the arcade game Donkey Kong. Released in 1981, it took us into a...
YanLev/ShutterstockSwimming is a unique activity. Not only is it an Olympic sport but it’s also a form of exercise and...
Kindel Media/PexelsYou’re driving your teen home from school when they open up to you about their vaping. What started off...
Parents being over-protective can deny children the experiences they need to learn and grow. (Shutterstock)We are facing a mental health...
Attention isn't a single mechanism, but rather the result of a number of different mechanisms across various areas of the...
Keren Fedida/UnsplashSchool holidays can feel like a marathon if all the kids want to do is watch TV, play Minecraft...
Daisy Daisy/ShutterstockAccess to physical activity and sport is not equal. Children and young people with disabilities are less likely to...
A professor of statistics has used game data from Tim Hortons Roll up to Win to figure out the best...
Organisations must value young people's time. ShutterstockMost of Africa’s population – 70% – is under 30 years old. In 2017...