Can I play DS games on switch?
Can I play DS games on switch?Yes, you can play most of the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS games on...
Can I play DS games on switch?Yes, you can play most of the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS games on...
Does Ash catch a Seedot?This Pokémon spent an unknown number of episodes as Seedot and an unknown number of episodes...
Is Pokémon Origins a movie?Like the television series, it was not owned by Media Factory (brand company of Kadokawa Corporation)....
How do you get lugia in Shining Pearl?Lugia can be encountered and caught exclusively in Pokemon Shining Pearl in Ramanas...
Is Pokémon finished?The Pokémon anime is not finished, not exactly. Earlier this year, season 23 (Pokémon Journeys) was put on...
Is there a Pokemon with 4 evolutions?Burmy is a Gen 5 Pokemon with four Possible evolutions. A male Burmy will...
Can reproduction Pokemon games trade?It's a fake. It plays, saves, looks completely identical like the real one, but you cannot...
Where is Pikachu in Brilliant Diamond?Trainers can find Pikachu at a single location in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl:...
How old is silver Creepypasta?Origin. The earliest known posting of the pasta comes from a 4chan thread submitted on June...
Is Pokemon XD a sequel to Pokémon Colosseum?Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness () is the sequel to the 2003 role-playing...