Which region has the strongest Pokémon?
Which region has the strongest Pokémon?The DLC expansions added just about every Pokemon available to the game. Whether they're found...
Which region has the strongest Pokémon?The DLC expansions added just about every Pokemon available to the game. Whether they're found...
What type of game is Pokémon Conquest?Tactical role-playing game The game is a crossover between the Pokémon and Nobunaga's Ambition...
What is the 591 Pokémon name?Amoonguss Amoonguss (Pokémon) Amoonguss Mushroom Pokémon モロバレル Morobareru #591 Images on the Bulbagarden Archives Type...
Is Luxray a dog?Luxray is a quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a fully-grown lion. While its face, hind legs, torso, and the...
What is the rarest Pokemon type?Ice type Ice type is technically the rarest type in the Pokemon series. Of the...
Who is the most powerful Fairy type Pokémon?Togekiss is the most powerful Fairy type currently available in Pokémon Go. Boasting...
What's the best starter Pokemon in Emerald?Overview: Swampert is highly recognized as the « strongest » starter Pokemon for it's...
Can you play Pokemon on DSi?This is a list of Nintendo DS products that are not (fully) compatible with Nintendo...
Will my phone run Pokemon go?Android: Android 6 or above. Preferred resolution of 720×1280 pixels (not optimized for tablet) Strong...
Does America have a Pokémon Center?The Pokémon Center chain of retailers is not a newcomer to the North American market;...