Destiny 2 Haunted Sectors Guide: How To Access And Complete Festival Of The Lost Activity
There’s something strange happening in Destiny 2’s lost sectors, so who are you going to call? Your nearest Guardian of course. 2022’s Festival of the Lost takes you back to the Haunted Lost Sectors that are inhabited by spooky Overseers.
The big changes this year is the inclusion of a new Haunted Lost Sector in the EDZ and an Event Card that’s similar to the one that was introduced in Solstice. Completing the challenges within this book is worthwhile as you can earn some fantastic rewards, plus you’ll unlock the Ghost Writer title. That also puts you another step closer to earning the Reveler title, which requires participation in all four of Destiny 2’s major events.
Here’s how you can get started in this year’s Festival of the Lost and bank some ludicrous amounts of candy in the process.
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