Destiny 2: Where Is Xur Today? Location and Exotic Items for February 10-14

Destiny 2: Where Is Xur Today? Location and Exotic Items for February 10-14

The weapons wizard, Xûr, is now live in Destiny 2 for the weekend until next week's reset. If you're looking to get your some shiny new Exotic armor or weapons for your Guardian, look no further.

Each week, Xûr has a random assortment of Exotic armor, one for each Guardian class, as well as a random Exotic Weapon and an Exotic Engram available for purchase. In addition to his Exotic wares, he's got a random collection of Legendary weapons and armor to deck out your Guardians.

We've rounded up all the info on Xûr for the week including where to find Xûr, which Exotic weapons and armor are available, as well as which Legendary weapons you should pick up, either for PvE or PvP.

Where Is Xûr Today?

Xûr's location today can be found at Watcher's Grave on Nessus on February 10 through February 14. To reach him, travel to the landing point at Watcher's Grave. When you arrive, make for the red moss-covered tree straight ahead. Climb up the roots and you'll find Xûr waiting at the top to sell you exotic items and legendary weapons.

What Is Xûr Selling This Weekend?

Exotic Engram

Suros Regime – Exotic Auto Rifle

Knucklehead Radar – Exotic Hunter Helmet

13 Mobility3 Resilience17 Recovery21 Discipline2 Intellect6 StrengthTotal: 62

Ursa Furiosa – Exotic Titan Gauntlets

19 Mobility10 Resilience2 Recovery16 Discipline13 Intellect2 StrengthTotal: 62

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Starfire Protocol – Exotic Warlock Chest Armor

19 Mobility11 Resilience4 Recovery16 Discipline7 Intellect9 StrengthTotal: 65

Starfire Protocol is definitely the champion this week, although as exotic rolls go, it's not particularly spikey or impressive. Pick it up if you need a good solar exotic for you Warlock though!

Exotic Weapons

Hawkmoon – Exotic Hand Cannon

Paracausal ShotPolygonal RiflingAlloy MagazineQuickdrawSmooth Grip

Dead Man's Tale – Exotic Scout Rifle

Cranial SpikeChambered CompensatorSteady RoundsOutlawComposite Stock

Both of the rolls for these two awesome weapons this week are just alright. Probably a pass unless you need one for some reason!

Legendary Weapons

Hollow Words – Fusion Rifle

Hammer-Forged Rifling/Polygonal RiflingEnhanced Battery/Particle RepeaterUnder PressureVorpal WeaponCharge Time Masterwork

Ignition Code – Grenade Launcher

Countermass/Smart Drift ControlBlinding Grenades/Proximity GrenadesField PrepDemolitionlistReload Speed Masterwork

Dire Promise – Hand Cannon

Crossfire HCS/Sureshot HCSAppended Mag/High Caliber RoundsTriple TapOsmosisStability Masterwork

IKELOS_HC_V1.0.3 – Hand Cannon

Full Bore/Polygonal RiflingExtended Mag/Flared MagwellRapid HitGolden TricornRasputin's ArsenalStability Masterwork

Threaded Needle – Linear Fusion Rifle

Corkscrew Rifling/Extended BarrelEnhanced Battery/Projection FuseClown CartridgeFrenzyReload Speed Masterwork

Lonesome – Sidearm

Hammer-Forged Rifling/SmallboreRicochet Rounds/Flared MagwellGraverobberDemolitionistRange Masterwork

Brass Attacks – Sidearm

Corkscrew Rifling/Polygonal RiflingArmor-Piercing Rounds/High-Caliber RoundsThreat DetectorOne For allReload Speed Masterwork

My top pick this week is the Ikelos hand cannon with a delightful set of perks that could be quite spicy in PvE and PvP. Some other contenders include the Ignition Code grenade launcher with Field Prep and Blinding Grenades, as well as Threaded Needle with Frenzy and Clown Cartridge. We got some pretty darn good rolls this week!

Warlock Legendary Armor

For Warlocks, Xûr is selling the Anti-Extinction set which include:

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Anti-Extinction Gloves

20 Mobility2 Resilience7 Recovery10 Discipline12 Intellect12 StrengthTotal: 63

Anti-Extinction Chest Armor

2 Mobility16 Resilience12 Recovery9 Discipline14 Intellect8 StrengthTotal: 61

Anti-Extinction Helmet

2 Mobility22 Resilience8 Recovery2 Discipline6 Intellect22 StrengthTotal: 62

Anti-Extinction Leg Armor

15 Mobility2 Resilience14 Recovery2 Discipline14 Intellect14 StrengthTotal: 61

Anti-Extinction Bond

The gloves for Warlocks aren't bad, but nothing to write home about. Aside from that, it's a fairly underwhelming week for our wizard friends.

Titan Legendary Armor

For Titans, Xûr is selling the Anti-Extinction set which include:

Anti-Extinction Gauntlets

6 Mobility12 Resilience14 Recovery11 Discipline20 Intellect2 StrengthTotal: 65

Anti-Extinction Chest Armor

12 Mobility9 Resilience10 Recovery6 Discipline10 Intellect15 StrengthTotal: 62

Anti-Extinction Helmet

7 Mobility20 Resilience6 Recovery11 Discipline10 Intellect9 StrengthTotal: 63

Anti-Extinction Leg Armor

30 Mobility2 Resilience2 Recovery21 Discipline9 Intellect2 StrengthTotal: 66

Anti-Extinction Mark

Holy smokes! Titans have an absolutely insane pair of boots for those who want to go *zoooom*. I know it doesn't fit with the meta, but everyone should buy those. Also, the gauntlets are pretty darn good as well!

Hunter Legendary Armor

For Hunters, Xûr is selling the Anti-Extinction set which include:

Anti-Extinction Grips

14 Mobility12 Resilience7 Recovery6 Discipline10 Intellect16 StrengthTotal: 65

Anti-Extinction Chest Armor

28 Mobility2 Resilience2 Recovery13 Discipline6 Intellect12 StrengthTotal: 63

Anti-Extinction Helmet

16 Mobility12 Resilience2 Recovery14 Discipline7 Intellect10 StrengthTotal: 61

Anti-Extinction Leg Armor

6 Mobility21 Resilience2 Recovery13 Discipline16 Intellect2 StrengthTotal: 60

Anti-Extinction Cloak

Hunters also got one nice roll this week with the beautiful gloves they've got available! Not a bad week for Xur!

That's a wrap on Xûr for this week, Guardians! We got a Strand trailer this week from Bungie. Which new super are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments!

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For more on Destiny, check out some of the new weapons and gear you can find in The Witch Queen and read about how Sony's purchase of Bungie fits into its larger plans. You can also check out details on the upcoming Lightfall release date.

Travis Northup is a writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @TieGuyTravis and read his games coverage here.