DF Retro marathon: every PlayStation 1 launch game tested and compared

Do you find yourself at something of a loose end over the extended holiday weekend? Why not sit back and enjoy our first DF Retro marathon video, which combines multiple episodes of one of our most ambitious DF Retro projects yet into one mega-extended presentation. And it’s good stuff, with John Linneman and Audi Sorlie revisiting the epoch-making release of the original Sony PlayStation across 1994 and 1995, examining the history of the system and covering every single launch game across all three major territories: Japan, North America and Europe.
As it’s Digital Foundry, there are platform comparisons too for every game that also launched on competing consoles – and from my perspective, it’s always fascinating to bring DF-level scrutiny to another era, where the variations between games deployed on very different architectures are far more pronounced than today, where most consoles are basically built around very similar PC-style components.
Some of you may have seen this ‘content’ before, and DF Retro tier backers of our Supporter Program may have even seen this full two hour, 46 minute presentation in the past – so why bring it back two years later? Well, first of all, we consider it a great way to give a new focus to work that we’re immensely proud of, which otherwise languishes in the YouTube backwaters, mostly forgotten. And that’s a shame, as this video is as good as the day we made it!
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