Did they nerf fire spirit?

Did they nerf fire spirit? On 6/9/21, a Balance Update decreased the Fire Spirit’s area damage radius to 2.3 tiles (from 2.5 tiles). It can no longer hit all Goblins spawned from the Goblin Barrel when the Goblin Barrel is deployed in the center of a Princess Tower.

On 6/9/21, a Balance Update decreased the Fire Spirit’s area damage radius to 2.3 tiles (from 2.5 tiles). It can no longer hit all Goblins spawned from the Goblin Barrel when the Goblin Barrel is deployed in the center of a Princess Tower.

Did Ice Wizard get nerfed?

On 3/12/2018, a Balance Update, decreased the Ice Wizard’s hitpoints by 11% but also increased his damage by 10%. On 7/6/21, a Balance Update decreased the Ice Wizard’s hitpoints by 3%.

Is heal spirit good?

Though it’s possible we’ll see Heal Spirit’s stats get adjusted in the near future when balance changes are made, it appears to be an impressive and useful addition to the Clash Royale card deck so far, and is without a doubt an improvement over its predecessor.

Did they nerf fire spirit? – Related Questions

What is Ice Spirit good for?

The Ice Spirit is an excellent utility card when paired with other units. It can be used to offensively or defensively and will cycle the player’s deck for only 1 elixir.