Do Mansions still exist in Minecraft?

Do Mansions still exist in Minecraft?
A woodland mansion is a very rare structure found only in the Roofed Forest biome. It is the only place where the Vindicator, Evoker (and by association, Vex) mobs naturally spawn.Woodland mansion.

Roofed Forest

First appearances
See history

A woodland mansion is a very rare structure found only in the Roofed Forest biome. It is the only place where the Vindicator, Evoker (and by association, Vex) mobs naturally spawn.

Woodland mansion.

Biome Roofed Forest
First appearances See history

What’s the rarest structure in Minecraft?

Stronghold. Strongholds can be found in any biome holding the gateway to the final dimension of Minecraft: The End. They are stone brick structures with a large amount of rooms. A maximum of 128 of these can be generated per world, making them extremely rare.

How many secret rooms are in the Woodland mansion?

Do all woodland mansions have prisons?

None of them have prison rooms, and therefore none of them have Allays. I know Allays can also spawn around outposts, but I don’t have a map to an outpost, and I’m not having much luck finding them.

Do Mansions still exist in Minecraft? – Related Questions

Where is allay in the Woodland mansion?

How many Evokers spawn in a woodland mansion?

Up to 5 evokers spawn on Hard difficulty.