Do PS Plus members get free games?

Do PS Plus members get free games? Free games Each month, two or three PS4/PS5 games are made available to download and play at no extra cost. They are yours to keep as long as you remain a PS Plus member. You can see the latest free games here.

Free games

Each month, two or three PS4/PS5 games are made available to download and play at no extra cost. They are yours to keep as long as you remain a PS Plus member. You can see the latest free games here.

What are the October PS Plus games 2022?

(For Southeast Asia) PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for October: Hot Wheels Unleashed, Injustice 2, Superhot, Rogue Explorer, Crisis Wing. All playable from Tuesday October 4.

Do PS Plus free games expire?

PS Plus has only just launched, but already some of its games have expiry dates. Right at the bottom of the catalogue is a section called “Last chance to play”.

How long can I play PlayStation Plus games?

In the online gaming of the PlayStation Plus, there is no end. You can enjoy these games forever as long as long as you have the membership.

Do PS Plus members get free games? – Related Questions

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 leaving PS Plus?

Rockstar’s incredible open world title will be removed from the service tomorrow (that’s the 20th September 2022 at the time of writing), and that means Extra subscribers will no longer be able to play it unless you go and actually buy a copy.

What games are leaving PS plus extra?